How to Pay for College 2024-2025

Sophomore Year

_______ Take the ACT in spring as a practice test. Use free test prep resources online. (If needed, consider the pre-SAT.) _______ Continue studying hard and maintaining good grades. _______ Explore career options and the education required for your goals. _______ Research colleges that offer programs aligning with your career interests. _______ Review and contribute to college savings plans. _______ Learn about education savings tax benefits (search “Publication 970” at _______ Understand college costs by reviewing tuition, fees, and housing expenses. _______ If interested in college sports, check eligibility criteria with your counselor. _______ Ensure your course schedule is on track for college prep. _______ Stay involved in school and community activities. Keep updating your list of achievements.

Photo Courtesy of National Park College

Junior Year

_______ Ensure your schedule includes all necessary college prep courses, including AP and honors classes. _______ Register for and take the SAT or ACT at least once. Use free online test prep resources. _______ Register for the October PSAT for National Merit Scholarship Qualification. _______ Research state and federal financial aid programs and make a timeline for application deadlines. _______ Prepare for scholarships: get a professional photo, write a draft essay, and start exploring scholarship searches. _______ Athletes planning to play Division I or II sports must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center in summer. _______ Investigate colleges using catalogs, websites, college fairs, and online tours. _______ Register for and complete AP tests in spring. _______ Visit college campuses, ideally when classes are in session. _______ Review college costs for tuition, fees, and housing. _______ Use the Federal Student Aid Estimator to forecast financial aid eligibility. _______ Continue saving for college, as every contribution helps.

Photo Courtesy of University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton


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