How to Pay for College 2024-2025

December 2024  Use ASLA’s College Cost Comparison Tool to research college costs at  Visit to research careers.  Submit all completed admission and college academic scholarship applications. Meet deadlines.  Enter ASLA’s $1,000 Scholarship drawing at

April 2025  Compare your college financial aid offers and decide which college is best for you.  Review your financial aid offer with your parents, making sure you understand the terms and conditions that apply to the aid you have received.  If your award package includes student loans, borrow only what you need.  If you need to fill a funding gap (after all free money and federal and state dollars) consider ASLA Education Loans. Visit  Enter ASLA’s $1,000 Scholarship drawing at

May 2025  Take any Advanced Placement exams, if applicable.  Ask your high school to send your final transcript to your chosen colleges.  Accept your financial aid offers from your college choice (and your Plan B option) and accept your state financial aid award at  GRADUATION!! Congratulations!

June/July/August 2025  Attend Freshman Orientation at your new school.  Register and find out when payment of school charges is due.  Be sure you have a plan for covering your college expenses before classes begin in August.  Begin preparing for your transition to college, including purchasing items for your dorm and attending orientation programs.

Have questions about FAFSA? Contact ASLA College Planning Services for FREE support. 501-682-1246


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