How to Pay for College 2024-2025


You must apply for federal financial aid annually. Complete and keep this information log in a secure location for future reference. Reminder – The student and parent cannot use the same cell phone or email address.

Create Student Account ( Student Username: _________________________________________________________________ Student Password: _ _________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________ Backup Code: ________________________________________________________________________

IF YOUR PARENT IS CONSIDERED Never married, divorced or separated Create Parent Account (

Use parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months

Unmarried and both legal parents living together

Both legal parents Both of your parents

Married, filing taxes separately Married, filing taxes jointly

One parent

Remarried (after being widowed or divorced)

Use parent and stepparent


Use the surviving parent (and step-parent if remarried)

Parent Username: _ _________________________________________________________________ Parent Password: ____________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ (Do not use the same email as your child/student.) Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________ Backup Code: ________________________________________________________________________

ADHE Scholarship Application Management System ( Student Email: _ _______________________________________________________________________ Student Password: ____________________________________________________________________

IMPORTANT NUMBERS Federal Student Aid Arkansas Division of Higher Education Arkansas Student Loan Authority Your College Financial Aid Office

1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243)

1-501-371-2000 1-800-443-6030



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